Beige Aesthetic Doodle Wallpapers


Beige Aesthetic Doodle Wallpapers


Hi! ✋ What color do you prefer – white 🦷, black 💣, or beige? It’s not a rhetorical question.
During some period, the W-Clan crew created three similar, but different doodle wallpaper sets. The white and the black ones are like day ☀️ and night 🌛, or Subzero ❄️ and Scorpion 🔥. However, the beige wallpaper pack is something in the middle. It’s like a sauce in a hot dog 🌭 – you can eat it separately, but the taste won’t be the same. This beige background has some kind of meaning. You can download ⤵️ this funny wallpaper iPhone and find this meaning. On the other side, you can download ⤵️ all three wallpapers sets, and make a mix on your smartphone. So, be creative and enjoy it! 😉

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