Fruits Basket Tohru Gang Pattern Purple Wallpapers
🐱🐭 If you see Fruits Basket anime, then you may know this famous trio – Tohru, Yuki, and Kyo Soma. You can see them all on this Fruits basket wallpaper iPhone. The red cat🐈 is dedicated to Kyo and the mouse to Yuki🐭. I think you know how friendly are Tom and Jerry. The same situation is with our main heroes. Kyo is angry at Yuki because he thinks that Yuki took his place among the Soma family members. However, Tohru tries to reconcile them🤝. If you like this famous anime, you may like this Fruits basket wallpaper set too. On the other side, it can be your first step in discovering Soma’s family secrets🙀. Thus, press the download ⤵️ button and let this aesthetic purple wallpaper refresh your screen.
October 12, 2022