Cow Pattern Wallpapers


Cow Pattern Wallpapers


Yes, that is what it looks like. It’s a 🐮cow pattern wallpaper for your iOS or Android. There is 🔲black and white, 🔳white and black, and white and gray (maybe a different kind of cow🤔). But what if we use imagination and look at this cool black and white wallpaper one more time. It can be milky rivers with Oreo islands🤩. I wonder what animals would be found on such islands? Maybe it could be jelly bear herds. Would you like to visit such a place? 

Also, this cow pattern can be a zoomed shot of the asteroid belt from space☄️🪐. The entirely dark space and white pieces of the planets, comets, and other extraterrestrial things… 👽

What would you prefer, cows or space, or maybe you have your own version?

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