Animal Crossing Minimalist Wallpapers


Animal Crossing Minimalist Wallpapers


If you’re here, it means – you’re looking for some awesome👍 smartphone wallpapers, and – perhaps you decided to play an Animal Crossing game. We offer only the best wallpapers, and we have a couple of projects related☝️ to this game, like wallpaper sets and the ANIMAL CROSSING APP ICONS pack.
In this set, you’ll find three characters from that world.
The first is the Animal Crossing Nook.🦝 He’s the manager of the town shop and one of the main personalities. You can get many tasks and bonuses from him.
Animal Crossing Naomi🐮 is a snooty personality. She prefers conversations about love and romance, but her passion is gossip. Thus, you can get some interesting🗣 information from her but watch your back…
And finally, the Animal Crossing Isabelle. 🐶Isabelle is a friendly and polite player’s helper in many tasks. She’s smart and wise because she persuades players to do tasks that can help the town to become a better place, which is her main goal.

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